Xhosa Translation Services

Xhosa Translation

Xhosa is not one of those languages that can be learned from books; in fact it is one such language that demands daily usage. Experience and fluency are considered as two gems needed to translate this language. Let us know more about the less known.

Mind Blowing Facts About The Less Known Language - Xhosa:

✔Xhosa is a tonal language which indicate that the same words can have different meanings.

✔It belongs to the Bantu language family and has 8.2 million speakers.

✔It is one of the official languages of South Africa.

✔The written form of Xhosa was developed in 19th century by Christian missionaries.

✔Approx. 18% of South Africa's population (approx. 7.6 million people) speak Xhosa.

Our Experts:

Xhosa translation services require native speakers who can distinguish between the subtle and nuanced tones of the language.

Our Xhosa translators are professionals in adapting, revising, reviewing and publishing Xhosa translations in any given format. They can translate your documents, videos, and meetings to and from Xhosa to any language with ease.

We provide the best quality professional Xhosa translation services, which is not a word - to - word translation, but the translation of the essential message of the document. Our skilled translators work closely with your business to provide you optimal quality translation service for your documents. They maintain the accuracy, and authenticity required in translating the documents.

About Us:

Shakti Enterprise is an ISO 9001: 2008 language interpretation and translation service company having industry experience of 33 years. With offices in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, we are committed to breaking all communications barriers which can create obstacles in your business. We provide translation in 100+ languages and are based in Mumbai, India and have a widespread branch network across the country - Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi.

Contact us today to receive top quality and professional Xhosa translation services that will help you skyrocket your business.

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